Refrigerant Degradation: Is HFC-23 (CF3H) formed due to the decomposition of HFOs and HCFOs in the troposphere?
Refrigerant Degradation: Is HFC-23 (CF3H) formed due to the decomposition of HFOs and HCFOs in the troposphere?
HFOs and HCFOs that contain the CF3CH= group breakdown in the atmosphere to give CF3CHO (trifluoroacetaldehyde) as an intermediate product. The main final breakdown products of HFOs containing the CF3CH= moiety are HF, and CO2.
The main final breakdown products of HCFOs containing the CF3CH= moiety are HF, HCl, and CO2.A recent paper and presentation (Hanseni) has proposed that a minor product CF3H is formed in yields of 11.0 ± 5.5 % from atmospheric photolysis of CF3CHO at 308 nm (a wavelength relevant to the troposphere and corresponding to the maximum UV absorbance of CF3CHO).
This is an entirely different conclusion to that made in an earlier published peer-reviewed paper that has been widely referenced in other atmospheric chemistry studies.
Click below to read the EFCTC Position paper.
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