
Pressure to stop the smuggling of HFCs increases

13 July 2022

As one response to the rapid emergence of the illegal traffic of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs - or refrigerants) across the European Union, the European Commission has included HFCs as a priority in the new EU Single Window Environment for Customs. The Czech Republic has started using this new system.

Following its formal adoption by the European Parliament and the Council, the intergovernmental component of the Single Window will come into effect by 2025, while the business-to-government scheme will be accessible at a later stage.

Concurrently, the European trade association of fluorocarbon producers (EFCTC) has updated its “Action Line” as part of its programme to counter this illegal trade. Upgrades include an enhanced user interface, the possibility to record voice messages and automatically translate into 70 languages. The updated tool will allow any individual to confidentially report allegedly suspicious HFC offerings to a trusted and independent contractor for investigation.


Read the complete press release attached below.

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