
New Chemicals Policy Strategy adopted on 26 June highlighted the importance of combatting the illegal trade and trafficking of harmful substances and waste also at global level

28 June 2019

On 26 June, the Council of the European Union published the new Chemicals Policy Strategy, which highlights the need to develop a sustainable EU chemicals policy strategy. The topics covered are REACH, endocrine disruptors, nanomaterials and pharmaceuticals, in particular:

  • Management of chemicals to increase the protection of human health and the environment
  • Improvement of EU chemicals legislation and risk assessment / management
  • Improving the risk assessment and management on the neurotoxic and endocrine disruptor chemicals to increase the protection of children, pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • Promotion of sustainable chemistry and alternatives and support small and medium-sized enterprises in their efforts to replace substances of concern
  • Identification of new and emerging chemical risks

The illegal imports issue is also covered on paragraph 22:

[….]CALLS for strengthening the enforcement of REACH by competent authorities and REQUESTS the Commission to study options to facilitate the work of customs authorities, in particular on the TARIC code for substances, mixtures and articles; STRESSES the importance of combatting the illegal trade and trafficking of harmful substances and waste also at global level;

This is a very important signal that reinforces the European FluoroCarbons Technical Committee action plan, which aims to stop the illegal imports of HFCs in the EU.

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