

12 May 2017

The French ADEME has released an in-depth study on installed fluorocarbons refrigerants leak detection systems (Etude sur les moyens de detection de fuite des installations de refrigeration de climatisation), mandated by AFCE and conducted by ARMINES and EReIE, on installed fixed refrigerants leak detection systems.

Two systems have been investigated : gas detectors and “expert systems” ( based on indirect detection methods, incorporating plant parameters such as temperature, pressure or tank level measurements).

The study gives recommendations for the best choice of a leak detector, which depends on the installed systems, for example gas detectors for chillers rooms (able to detect leaks of 50g/h) or expert systems for commercial refrigeration systems (able to detect leaks of less than 100 g/h over a few days).

Detection of leakages is mandated in the F-Gas Regulation and limiting leakages is become even more important since the HFC phase down dictated by that Regulation will significantly reduce the availability of fluids for refilling.

Source: iifiir Institut International du Froid

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