

26 August 2019

New resources and information about TFA: The new ‘LEARN ABOUT TFA For a wide range of information about Trifluoroacetic acid/acetate as a breakdown product of some HFCs and some HFOs’ is supplemented by the Brock & Ollie short video about HFOs and TFA and a revised infographic on TFA.

Flammable Refrigerants Leaflet: Now available in 17 languages with Hungarian recently added. The leaflet is for installers urging them to get ready for flammable refrigerants and containing key information on what they are and why it is important to use them. The leaflet in various languages can be downloaded here.

AREA Introduction to refrigeration standard EN 378: European Standard EN 378 relates to safety and environmental requirements in the design, manufacture, construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair and disposal of refrigerating systems and appliances regarding local and global environments. The booklet introduces the Refrigeration Standard EN 378 to those responsible for refrigeration systems and heat pumps, and especially to Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Contractors. The booklet can be downloaded from the AREA website

IIR 38th Informatory Note on “The Role of Refrigeration in the Global Economy": “The Role of Refrigeration in the Global Economy”. The note was published following World Refrigeration Day, and has for objective to summarize the knowledge in key refrigeration-technology and refrigeration-application domains. A summary can be accessed here and the full publication by log-in on the IIR website.

EHPA proposes that a "Green Deal" for Europe must include heating and cooling and be built on Heat Pump technology: The EHPA states that, drive and determination are required to put global warming at the centre of a tremendous, yet manageable energy transition and that they are confident that at least for the heating sector, its full decarbonization within the next 30 years is possible – using existing technology. They point out that the limitations are certainly not technical, but political. Read the complete EHPA article here

Coming Events page - September 2019

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